Rinse Bombs are the horsey equivalent of a human bath bomb. Drop a Rinse Bomb into half a bucket of water after exercising your horse, watch it fizz and dissolve, before using a plastic-free sponge to rinse away sweat and grime from your ride.
These Bombs have been formulated with essential oils that bugs find fowl, therefore adding extra protection from all types of flying insects.
Here at Honest Horse we don't believe in creating excess waste. So we've taken a product usually sold in plastic bottles and stripped back the packaging, the harsh ingredients and the waste to offer you a more sustainable way to rinse your horse after exercise.
As you'd expect from us, these Rinse Bombs contain 100% natural ingredients and do a great job of washing off that after-exercise sweat and grease.
They have been made with love, care and compassion just down the road from Honest HQ in the UK, with cruelty-free ingredients.
They really are the bomb. Even if we do say so ourselves ;-) ...
There is absolutely no plastic in our Rinse Bombs or our packaging. We've gone to great lengths to source pouches that are 100% muck-heap-compostable.
The pouches are high barrier organic food-grade, breaking down in just 10 weeks. They can be composted on your muck heap or deposited in compostable food waste refuse containers. Even the stickers are biodegradable!
There are 9 rinse bombs (approx 100g) in each pouch, which will tackle 9 post-exercise rinses.
Containing an invigorating lemongrass blend, these Bug Bombs are designed to do exactly what they say on the tin. Perfect for use alongside your fly spray to keep the bugs away.
Many bottled after-exercise rinses currently available contain a cocktail of harsh detergents, preservatives (parabens) and artificial scents that can irritate horse's skin, our skin and cause damage to the wider eco-system when it is washed into waterways.
The formulation conditions skin and coat, replacing oils lost through sweating. No need to wash it off after use.
Drop a bomb into to 1/2 bucket of water.
Let it fizz and dissolve.
Use a plastic-free sponge to rinse your horse.
Remove excess water.
BOOM! There's your fresh, clean steed.
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